Pierre Tassin Eliminated by William Defty in Three-way All In

Jan 7, 2018

William Defty
Pierre Tassin moved all in from under the gun and Marcin Chmielewski moved all in over the top from the next position. It folded to William Defty who announced call and he himself was all in. The remaining players folded and the cards were turned over.

Pierre Tassin: Heart AHeart 3
Marcin Chmielewski: Club KDiamond K
William Defty: Heart JClub J

Chmielewski was in a good position to knock out two players in one hand with pocket kings. The board ran out Heart 4Diamond 8Diamond 4Diamond QDiamond J with the jack on the river giving a set to Defty, leaving Chmielewski short and eliminating Tassin.

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