Philippe Plouffe Doubles Thru Kevin Bergeron

Oct 28, 2019

Kevin Bergeron raises from the cutoff to 350,000, Philippe Plouffe moves all in from the small blind for 975,000, and Bergeron calls with Spade 6Diamond 6.

Plouffe turns over Spade 7Club 7, and needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Club 8Heart 7Heart 5Diamond QDiamond 3 — Plouffe flops a set of sevens to Bergeron’s open-ended straight draw, but Bergeron misses his outs. Plouffe wins the pot with his set to double up in chips.

Philippe Plouffe  –  2,250,000  (15 bb)
Kevin Bergeron  –  3,000,000  (20 bb)

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