Philippe Dorval Eliminated in 18th Place by Jean-Francois Alexandre

May 20, 2024

Philippe DorvalPhoto: Philippe Dorval

Jean-Francois Alexandre opens to 110,000 and action folds to Philippe Dorval who moves all in for 535,000. 

Alexandre thinks about it for only a few moments before he makes the call to put Dorval at risk. 

“I have an ace!” Dorval announces as he tables Spade AHeart 5, which is currently ahead of Alexandre’s Diamond KDiamond Q

Unfortunately for Dorval, the runout of Diamond 5Diamond 8Club 2Diamond 9Club 8 gives Alexandre a flush on the turn to send him out in 18th place. 

Jean-Francois Alexandre – 2,200,000 (44 bb)
Philippe Dorval – Eliminated in 18th place (CAD $28,000)

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