Philip Hollederer Eliminates Two With Kings

Mar 30, 2023

Bjorn Mac Donald moves all in from early position for 250,000 and in the cutoff, Philip Hollederer moves all in for 610,000 effective. In the big blind Orestis Kanakopoulos calls to put himself at risk. 

Bjorn Mac Donald: Spade ASpade Q

Orestis Kanakopoulos: Club ADiamond K

Philip Hollederer: Spade KClub K

The board ran out Heart KSpade 4Heart 6Club 9Diamond 7 and both players were eliminated by Hollederer who took the overall chip lead. 

Philip Hollederer – 2,560,000

Orestis Kanakopoulos – Eliminated in 37th Place(€4,229)

Bjorn Mac Donald – Eliminated in 38th Place(€4,229)

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