Phil Laak Doubles Thru and Cripples Prahlad Friedman

Feb 25, 2013

WPT Champions Club members Prahlad Friedman (UTG) and Phil Laak (cutoff) are both relatively short-stacked and all in preflop. Friedman has [AsKd] against Laak’s [JcJd].

The board comes [9h5d3h8c9s], and the pocket jacks hold up for Laak to win the pot. Both stacks are counted down, and Friedman’s stack of 98,500 barely covers Laak’s stack of 87,500.

Phil Laak  –  185,500  (46 bb)
Prahlad Friedman  –  11,000  (2 bb)

After the hand, Laak tells Friedman, "You were last on the list of humans I wanted to do that too. Last on the list. Sorry, buddy."

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