Peter Krajnyak Runs Into Robert Saffran's Aces

Apr 12, 2024

Zlatko Sunjic raises to 1,300 in early position and Adam Torma calls in the cutoff before Robert Saffran three-bets to 3,600 on the button. Peter Krajnyak then four-bets to 15,000 in the small blind, Sunjic and Torma fold, while Saffran moves all in. Krajnyak calls for around 20,000.

Peter Krajnyak: Heart QHeart J
Robert Saffran: Club ASpade A

The two players exchange a fist bump heading to the Club 2Diamond 7Spade 6 flop which is no help to Krajnyak. The rest of the board comes Diamond KClub 3 and he is sent to the rail.

Balazs Somodi was also recently eliminated but quickly reentered and sat down to a fresh starting stack.

Robert Saffran- 70,000 (117 bb)
Zlatko Sunjic- 38,000 (63 bb)
Adam Torma- 25,000 (42 bb)
Peter Krajnyak- eliminated

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