Peter Jaksland Doubles; Morten Mortensen Busts Rehman Kassam

Mar 15, 2019

One Dane chips up and the other follows the same path only moments later, that pattern does sound familiar and just happened once again.

Peter Jaksland is all in for the last 200,000 with the Spade KHeart Q and Darius Paskewicz makes the call with the Heart ASpade 10. The board brings Heart QClub 8Heart 4Club 3Heart 2 and Jaksland improves to a pair of queens.

Then, Morten Mortensen raises the button and calls the shove of Rehman Kassam in the small blind for around 230,000.

Kassam: Diamond KDiamond J
Mortensen: Heart AHeart K

Mortensen flops the goods with Heart QHeart JHeart 9, and the Diamond 6 turn and Diamond 9 river are a formality.

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