Peter Gould Doubles Through Carter King

Dec 17, 2009

Carter King raises from early position, Peter Gould moves all in from the cutoff for 20,000 (less than Carter’s raise), and everyone else folds. Carter gets some change back from his raise, and they turn over their cards. 

Carter King:  [3d3h]
Peter Gould:  [QcQd]

The board comes [Qh5c2c7d9s], and Gould flops an unnecessary set of queens to win the pot and double up. 

Peter Gould  –  65,000
Carter King  –  490,000

So far today, there have been several players severely short stacked (such as Hasan Habib) who have managed to climb out of the cellar and stay alive for a while. We’ll see if they can mount a big enough comeback to survive the day. 

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