Patrick Tardif Takes Out Wangchao Yuan

May 13, 2024

Wangchao Yuan is all in for around 40,000 from early position and up against Patrick Tardif in the small blind.

Wangchao Yuan: Spade 6Heart 6
Patrick Tardif: Heart 8Spade 8

The board runs out Spade 5Club KHeart 9Spade 2Heart 7 and Tardif’s two eights secure the pot to send Yuan to the rail.

At another table, Lily Kornik relates a hand that sees Jennifer Frankens doubles up. “This young lady, all the way from Orlando, is all in with ace-king against queens. Flop is ace-ace-king,” Kornik says.

“It was a pleasure. Even I enjoyed it,” Kornik adds.

Jennifer Frankens- 120,000 (40 bb)
Patrick Tardif- 210,000 (70 bb)
Wangchao Yuan- eliminated

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