Patrick Soh Doubles Through Kunal Patni Part II

Aug 22, 2022

Patrick Soh vs Kunal Patniā€ width= Patrick Soh vs Kunal Patni

Patrick Soh is all-in from under the gun for 1,250,000 and Kunal Patni looks him up from the very next seat while all other players fold.

Patrick Soh: Spade ASpade 10
Kunal Patni: Heart KHeart Q

Patni takes the lead on the Club KClub 9Spade 5 flop but running spades with the Spade 2 turn and Spade 8 river provide the fourth double up on the final table for Soh.

Patrick Soh – 3,175,000 (21 bb)
Kunal Patni – 1,750,000 (12 bb)

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