Patrick Pochyla Wakes Up With Aces to Double

May 13, 2024

Photo: Patrick Pochyla

Patrick Pochyla raises to 30,000 on the button before Artur Tahiri three-bets to 75,000 in the big blind. Pochyla then moves all in for 280,000 and Tahiri calls.

Patrick Pochyla: Spade AClub A
Artur Tahiri: Club JDiamond J

Tahiri slams his jacks on the table after finding out Pochyla had picked up aces. The board runs out Diamond QDiamond 8Spade 2Club 5Diamond 7 and Pochyla earns the massive double up.

Patrick Pochyla- 560,000 (70 bb)
Artur Tahiri- 120,000 (15 bb)

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