Patrik Papanek Wins a Flip on Pierre Lewandowski

Mar 21, 2024

Sonke Lill raises to 21,000 in early position and Patrik Papanek moves all in for 179,000 on the button. Pierre Lewandowski reshoves in the big blind and Lill folds.

Patrik Papanek: Spade 7Diamond 7
Pierre Lewandowski: Club AClub K

“You fold jacks?” Papanek asks Lill as he sees the board run out Heart 10Spade 9Heart 6Heart JSpade 5 to keep Papanek’s pocket pair in the lead and earn him a double up.

Patrik Papanek- 380,000 (38 bb)
Pierre Lewandowski- 270,000 (27 bb)
Sonke Lill- 320,000 (32 bb)

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