Patrick Mahoney vs. Martin Zentner

Jan 25, 2011

Patrick Mahoney min-raises to 6,000 from under the gun and Martin Zentner calls from the cutoff.  The flop falls [KhQs2c] and Mahoney bets 10,500.  Zentner raises to 25,000 total and Mahoney calls.

The two players check as the turn brings the [Jc] and the river the [Jd].

"King," Mahoney announces as he turns over [Kd9d].

"Uh oh," Allen Carter exclaims.  "Cat’s out of the bag.  Someone’s going to have to play tight now," he jokes.

"I am tight," Mahoney asserts as he stacks his chips.

Patrick Mahoney – 329,000 (110 BBs)
Martin Zentner – 120,000 (40 BBs)

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