Patrick Lacey Eliminated in 8th Place ($13,678) by Yoon Cheon

Mar 26, 2018

Patrick Lacey

Patrick Lacey was not a favorite to be the second player eliminated from the WTPDS Maryland final table. His fate changed in a hurry thanks to a giant cooler dealt to him by Yoon Cheon.

Lacey opened to 110,000 preflop in early position and Cheon defended his big blind. Cheon checked the Spade ADiamond 8Club 4 flop and Lacey continued for 90,000. Cheon stuck with him and the two players checked the Spade 3 turn.

The Club 7 completed the board and Cheon led for 190,000. Lacey didn’t take long before raising all-in for 980,000. Cheon thought it over and called with Club AHeart A for top set. The Heart 8Spade 8 of Lacey was the second-best set and he made a dejected walk from the final table.

Cheon is on top with seven left as he sits behind 2,350,000.

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