Patrick Boisvert Eliminated in 10th Place ($750) by Benoit Beaulac

Aug 19, 2016

With about 25,000 in the pot, on a board reading Diamond QDiamond 10Diamond 4, Patrick Boisvert leads out for 15,000 from middle position.

Benoit Beaulac is in late position and moves all in for about 80,000. Boisvert thinks for a moment and eventually calls.

Beaulac: Spade KSpade 10
Boisvert: Heart 8Diamond 8

The turn is the Spade 9, and the river is the Heart 5, sending Boisvert to the rail.

Benoit Beaulac – 200,000 (83 bb)
Patrick Boisvert – Eliminated in 10th Place ($750)

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