Pat Mahoney Eliminated in 25th Place ($25,056)

Apr 21, 2012

Craig Bergeron raises to 12,000 from middle position, Michael Lind calls, and Pat Mahoney moves all-in from the small blind for 68,000 total.

Eli Berg is in the big blind and thinks quite a while before reraising all-in for over 300,000. Bergeron folds, as does Lind. After Lind folds, Bergeron shows the table that he laid down A-K.

Mahoney shows [JcJd] and says, "You folded blockers," to Bergeron when Berg shows that he has him dominated with [KdKs].

Even with Bergeron folding one of the kings, the flop still comes [Kh5s4d], giving Berg top set and leaving Mahoney drawing very, very slim.

The [3d] on the turn leaves Mahoney drawing dead and, with the [5h] on the river, he exits in 25th place and Berg takes the pot.

Eli Berg – 430,000 (86 BBs)
Pat Mahoney – eliminated in 25th place ($25,056) 

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