Paris Sitzoukis Triples Up

Apr 19, 2024

Paris Sitzoukis

Hand opens with with lojack raising 10,000 and finding two callers. The flop lands Heart 2Heart 7Heart 10, lojack c-bets 18,000, hijack John Perry calls, cutoff Paris Sitzuokis calls. On the turn Spade 4, lojack bets 43,000, Perry calls again, Sitzoukis goes all in for 50,500, lojack and Perry call. The river Diamond 5, lojack bets 60,000 for a side pot but is denied by Perry who folds. Lojack has Heart QHeart J flush, Sitzoukis triples up with Heart AHeart 3 nut flush.

Paris Sizoukis – 248,500 (83 bb)
John Perry – 250,000 (63 bb)

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