O’Reilly Obliterated

Feb 21, 2013

Scott Reilly
Daniele Scatragli opens from UTG+1 by raising to 1,600 and this folds out large section of the table. That is until it is the turn of Mitchell Johnson to act, in the cutoff, and he calls. Scott O’Reilly is in the big blind and he peels back his cards, checks his opponents’ stack sizes before calling.

The [As][Ac][2s] flop sees O’Reilly check and Scatragli lead for 2,000. Usually on these type of flop the first best takes it down, but not on this occasion. First, Johnson calls and then O’Reilly moves all-in for 19,800 in total. Scatragli stares at Johnson to gauge his reaction but Johnson is giving nothing away. Scatragli folds and Johnson snap-calls.

Johnson: [Ad][Qh]
O’Reilly: [Ah][7s]

A real cooler of a hand here on Table 16 and one that is going to end badly for O’Reilly. The [4c] turn is no help at all and neither is the [3h], O’Reilly losing out to Johnson’s queen-kicker.

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