Oops, Spoke Too Soon

Jul 21, 2011

We hope we have not jinxed young Miha Travnik by mentioning his recent good run because he has just lost a massive pot that sees Vincenzo Natale reclaim the chip lead.

Travnik opened to 62,000 from the button and his Italian made the call. A flop of [Ts7dKc] so both players check but there was no passive play when the [Kh] hit the turn. Instead Natale bet 110,000 on the turn and was called by the Slovenian.

The river brought the [2c] and Natale over-bet shoved the river for a total of 1,020,000 chips. Travnik obviously did not believe he was strong, and he made the call.

Natale: [Ks7h]
Travnik: Muck

The Italian leaps back into the lead.

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