One For E-Tay

Jul 30, 2016

Esther Taylor-Brady

A player in early position raises to 1,450, James Mackey calls from middle position, and Esther Taylor-Brady (E-Tay, pictured above) calls from the button.

The flop is Spade JHeart 6Diamond 2 and action checks to Mackey who bets 2,100. E-Tay calls, the player in early position check-raises to 6,100, Mackey folds, and E-Tay calls.

The turn is the Spade 9 and the player in early position bets 8,200. E-Tay calls.

The river is the Diamond 3 and action checks to E-Tay. She shoves for 26,300 and after a little while in the tank, her opponent folds.

“I’ll give you $100 if you show worse than jack-nine,” says tablemate Connor Drinan.

E-Tay shows the Spade 6 as she collects the pot.

Esther Taylor-Brady  –  60,000  (100 bb)

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