Omid Shahbazian Eliminated in 21st Place (C$16,839)

Feb 11, 2018

Omid Shahbazian

On the last hand of the night, Igor Tregoubov raises to 27,000 from the button and Omid Shahbazian (pictured) defends his big blind.

The flop comes Club 7Diamond 6Heart 5, Shahbazian checks, Tregoubov bets 50,000, Shahbazian check-raises all in for about 125,000, and Tregoubov calls.

Tregoubov: Diamond 7Diamond 5
Shahbazian: Club 6Diamond 4

Tregoubov leads with two pair against Shahbazian’s middle pair and straight draw.

The Club 5 turn locks up the pot for Tregoubov with fives full of sevens, rendering the Club 9 river moot.

Igor Tregoubov – 1,089,000
Omid Shahbazian – Eliminated in 21st Place (C$16,839)

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