Omar Lakhdari Eliminates Ferhat Yildiz in Postflop Cooler

Feb 19, 2020


It’s only been 20 minutes since Omar Lakhdari took a seat in the Main Event and already he has improved on his starting stack.

The WPTDeepStacks Brussels Champion (who took the title last week) is heads up on the flop now with Spade 7Spade 8Spade Q on show and playing in position against Ferhat Yildiz.

Yildiz checks and Lakhdari asks to see how much he is playing (less than 20,000). He then makes a bet and Yildiz insta-shoves. Lakhdari snap-calls in response and they flip their cards on their backs.

Omar Lakhdari: Club 7Diamond 7
Ferhat Yildiz: Spade 4Spade 3

It’s a cooler, with Yildiz holding a flush but Lakhdari has full house outs to improve his set. Yildiz doesn’t have to wait long to find out his fate, with a Heart Q landing on the turn.

Yildiz is already out of his seat as the Diamond 9 completes the board.

Omar Lakhdari – 74,000
Ferhat Yildiz – eliminated

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