Oliver Schulze Flipped Out by Valeriy Pak

Jan 26, 2024

Valeriy Pak Photo:  Valeriy Pak

Valeriy Pak raises to 10,000 from under the gun and a now short-stacked Oliver Schulze gets his last 25,000 in from the button, Pak calls.

Oliver Schulze: Spade 9Heart 9
Valeriy Pak: Club ASpade J

There is no comeback story for Schulze on a board of Heart ADiamond 7Heart 3Spade AClub 2 as Pak improves to trips. The German is joined on the rail by Dylan Foster, Koen Breed, Victor Chong, and Daniel Neilson.

Valeriy Pak  –  370,000  (93 bb)
Oliver Schulze  –  Eliminated

Below are updated notable stacks of Pak’s table.

Kyle Bao Diep – 285,000 (71 bb)
Dhaval Mudgal – 245,000 (61 bb)
Frank Lillis – 190,000 (48 bb)
Florencio Campomanes – 160,000 (40 bb)

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