Oleksii Koiev Finishes Off George Chiriac

Sep 18, 2022

WPT Prime Madrid main event 1a
Photo: Oleksii Koiev

Oleksii Koiev opens from the cutoff and George Chiriac then shoves around 120,000 from the small blind. Koiev calls, putting Chiriac at risk as they turn over the cards.

George Chiriac: Diamond ASpade 9
Oleksii Koiev: Heart ASpade 10

The dealer spreads Heart KSpade 6Heart 2Club 3Diamond Q out on the felt, missing both players and Koiev pulls in the pot with his ten kicker. Chiriac completes his Day 2 plummet and takes a walk to the payout desk.

Oleksii Koiev – 385,000 (48 bb)
George Chiriac – Eliminated

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