"Oh, Is That the Bet?'

Feb 27, 2012

Sorel Mizzi raises to 32,000 from early position and Elvis Huynh calls from the big blind.

"You never believe me, Elvis," Mizzi tells him.

The flop comes [AhQc4d] and Huynh checks.  Mizzi bets 35,000 and Hunyh calls.  The turn is the [2d] and Huynh checks again.  Mizzi eyes Huynh’s stack and Huynh counts it out, telling him, "It is 200-something."

Mizzi counts out a bet of 85,000 and sets it out in front of him, on, but not quite crossing the betting line on the table.

Huynh appears to be in deep thought, counting his stack and staring at the board.  After a good minute he looks up, sees Mizzi’s bet and asks, "Oh, is that the bet?"

He then immediately shoves all-in.  Mizzi folds and Huynh flashes an ace as he rakes in the pot.

Elvis Huynh – 500,000 (31 BBs)
Sorel Mizzi – 1,075,000 (67 BBs)

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