Norberto Camacho Doubles Thru Joshua Gibson

Sep 18, 2013

After some preflop action, Norberto Camacho is all in UTG for 216,500. Joshua Gibson has a bet of 15,000 in front of him in middle position, and tanks for a long time before he moves all in over the top.

Jared Jaffee also has a bet of 15,000 in front of him on the button, but Jaffee folds, saying he was prepared to call if Gibson didn’t.

Gibson shows [10d10s], but Camacho has the lead wtih [QcQh].

The board comes [Jd5d4c3s2c], and the pocket queens hold up for Camacho to win the pot, doubling his chip stack.

Norberto Camacho  –  478,000  (79 bb)
Joshua Gibson  –  120,000  (20 bb)

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