Noeung Troeung Eliminated in 8th Place ($1,000) by Frank Gregory

Aug 20, 2016

Noeung Troeung

Noeung Troeung raises to 14,000 from under the gun. Frank Gregory is in the cutoff and three-bets to 49,000. Action is back on Troeung, and Gregory says, “I didn’t mean to raise that much. Good fold. I’ll show you.”

Troeung thinks for three minutes before another player at the table calls the clock. With less than 30 seconds to go, Troeung moves all in, and Gregory snap-calls.

Gregory tables Diamond KClub K, and Troeung shows Heart AClub Q.

The board runs out Heart JClub JClub 2Diamond QClub 4, and Troeung is eliminated.

Frank Gregory – 520,000 (86 bb)
Noeung Troeung – Eliminated in 8th Place ($1,000)

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