Noam Muallem Triples with Tens

Jan 3, 2020

Noam Muallem

Following a raise under the gun to 3,600, Brian Sham three-bet to 23,600 from the cutoff. From the big blind, Noam Muallem (pictured) moves all in for 35,700. The original raiser shoves for 44,800, and Sham calls.

Sham: Spade ASpade K
Muallem: Club 10Spade 10
Opponent: Club AHeart Q

The board runs out Club 5Club 3Heart 4Diamond 3Heart 6 and Muallem triples up, while Sham eliminates his opponent and wins the side pot.

Noam Muallem – 109,500
Brian Sham – 80,000

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