No Club For Clint De Klerk And He is Gone

Oct 22, 2012

We join the action in a re-raised pot with around 6,000 in the middle. The flop is [8c] [5s] [4c] and everyone checks. The turn card is the [As] and Clint De Klerk moves all-in for 6,350. The player in the small blind looks like he fancies it but after a short dwell decides to fold. That leaves Roman Szymonowicz, and he decides to make the call. It was showdown time with De Clerk at risk of elimination.

Szymonowicz: [Ah] [Kh]
De Klerk: [Kc] [7c]

De Klerk needs a club and the [Ks] obviously didn’t read the memo, sending him spinning out of the competition.

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