Nihad Diria Three-Bet Shoves the River vs. Kliment Tarmakov

Nov 12, 2017

Nihad Diria

With the board showing Heart KClub 6Spade 4Heart QClub 9 on the river, Nihad Diria (pictured) bets under the gun, Kliment Tarmakov raises from the button to 7,800, and Diria moves all in for 13,925.

Tarmakov tanks for a long time before he folds, and Diria slides his cards to Tarmakov and lets him pick one of his cards to see. Tarmakov flips over one of the cards and it’s the Club 10. Diria mucks his other card without showing and takes the pot.

Nihad Diria  –  33,000  (110 bb)
Kliment Tarmakov  –  34,000  (113 bb)

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