Nicolas Dumont Takes the Lead

Feb 1, 2023

Nicolas Dumont - Day 1

Nicolas Dumont (pictured) opens to 10,000 on the button and Nabil Bouaita raises to 40,000 from the small blind. Dumont calls.

The flop comes Club KDiamond QDiamond 4, Bouaita checks, and Dumont bets 50,000. Bouaita calls. 

The turn brings the Diamond 9, Bouaita checks and Dumont bets 75,000. Bouaita calls.

The river is the Diamond K and Dumont moves all in. Bouaita calls all in with Diamond AHeart K but is no good against Dumont’s Spade QClub Q full house. 

Nicolas Dumont – 710,000 (142 bb)
Nabil Bouaita – Eliminated 

Shortly after Dumont eliminates another opponent with pocket aces to pocket jacks. 

Nicolas Dumont – 900,000 (180 bb)

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