Nicolas Dumont Knocks Out Two Players on the Same Hand

Feb 21, 2020

Nicolas Dumont

Nicolas Dumont raises UTG+1 to 3,200, and a player in middle position moves all in for 26,300. The next player to act calls from late position, and Dumont moves all in over the top for about 115,000. The third player quickly calls all in from late position for about 90,000, and all three players turn over their cards:

Nicolas Dumont:  Spade KClub K
Late Position:  Spade AHeart A
Short Stack:  Spade 4Club 4

The board comes Heart KSpade 7Heart 5Diamond 3Diamond 5 — Dumont flops a set of kings and the short stack turns a gutshot straight draw, but Dumont rivers a full house, kings full of fives, to win the pot and eliminate both of his opponents from the tournament.

Nicolas Dumont  –  236,000  (118 bb)

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