Nicola Karl Gets Thin Value on River

Apr 14, 2024

Ranko Miodrag raises to 32,000 from middle position and Nicola Karl defends his big blind.

Karl check-calls a bet of 25,000 from his opponent on the Diamond 9Spade ASpade 10 flop.

The Heart 7 turn is checked through by both players.

On the Spade 4 river, Karl leads out with a bet of 18,000. Miodrag smiles, and makes the reluctant call.

Nicola Karl shows Diamond ADiamond 2 for a pair of aces, while Miodrag has Diamond JDiamond 10 for a pair of tens.

Nicola Karl – 510,000 (31 bb)
Ranko Midorag – 720,000 (45 bb)

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