Nick Rampone Eliminated in 51st Place by Xuan Nguyen

Aug 30, 2016

Nick Rampone

Pat Lyons raises preflop on the button and Xuan Nguyen calls on the small blind. Nick Rampone (pictured) reraises all in on the big blind and Lyons folds. Nguyen calls and they flip over their cards.

Nguyen: Diamond ADiamond J
Rampone: Club AClub 9

Board: Heart QClub 10Club 5Heart 8Spade 3

Rampone is eliminated in 51st place, good for $9,530, and Nguyen stacks up 440,000 after the hand.

Xuan Nguyen – 440,000 (44 bb)
Nick Rampone – Eliminated in 51st Place ($9,530)

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