Nicholas Teeuwen Eliminated by Jair Beltran

May 16, 2024

Jair Beltran has a raise of 50,000 in front of him from the hijack and Alexandre Bolduc calls on the button. Nicholas Teeuwen then moves all in for 157,000 in the big blind, Beltra reraises to 500,000, and Bolduc folds.

Nicholas Teeuwen: Diamond 10Club 10
Jair Beltran: Heart QClub Q

Beltran has Teeuwen dominated with his queens and holds on through the Spade 6Club 4Diamond 9Spade 3Heart 3 board to send Teeuwen to the rail.

Jair Beltran- 650,000 (65 bb)
Alexandre Bolduc- 880,000 (88 bb)
Nicholas Teeuwen- eliminated

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