Nicholas Manfredo Out in 32nd Place ($12,942)

Jan 31, 2013

Nicholas Manfredo, crippled on a previous hand, moves all in from the cutoff for 38,000, and Jim Anderson (small blind) and Jeremy Stein (big blind) both call.

Both players check the dry side pot down to the river on a board of [Js10d3cAh7h].

Anderson bets 48,000, and Stein calls with [As9d] for a pair of aces. But Anderson turns over [9c8c] to win the side pot with a jack-high straight.

Manfredo shows [10s8d] for a pair of tens, but it’s not enough to save him, and he’s eliminated in 32nd place.

Jim Anderson  –  835,000  (52 bb)
Jeremy Stein  –  980,000  (61 bb)
Nicholas Manfredo  –  Out in 32nd Place ($12,942)

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