Natasha Mercier Eliminates Crystal Utley; Takes Back the Lead

May 1, 2023

Natasha MercierPhoto: Natasha Mercier

Crystal Utley raises to 110,000 under the gun before Natasha Mercier three-bets to 365,000 from one seat over. Action folds back to Utley who four-bet jams for about 1,400,000. Mercier calls and the players turn over their hands.

Crystal Utley: Heart ASpade Q
Natasha Mercier: Diamond AClub K

The board runs out Diamond KClub 8Diamond 3Club ASpade A and Mercier rakes in the pot with aces full of kings, eliminating Utley from the tournament.

Natasha Mercier – 5,600,000 (112 bb)
Crystal Utley – Eliminated

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