Natasha Barbour vs. Ravee Mathi Sundar

Apr 16, 2015

Natasha Barbour raises from the button to 1,100, and WPT Champions Club member Ravee Mathi Sundar calls from the big blind.

The flop comes Jclub5heart3club, Sundar checks, and Barbour bets 1,800, smiling as she says, “You’ve got nothing.” Sundar smiles, calls, and says, “I’ve got something.”

The turn is the Qspade, and Barbour says, “That’s scary.” Sundar checks, and Barbour says, “Not that scary,” and she bets 3,000. Sundar calls.

The river is the Aspade, and both players check. Sundar shows Qclub7spade for a pair of queens, but Barbour turns over KdiamondQdiamond to win the pot with a pair of queens and a king kicker.

Natasha Barbour  –  50,000  (100 bb)
Ravee “Om” Mathi Sundar  –  25,000  (50 bb)

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