Natalie Ferguson Takes a 34K Pot Against Cody Wiegmann

Mar 23, 2024

After some preflop action, Cody Wiegmann reraises from the cutoff to 9,500. Ari Engel folds the small blind, and Natalie Ferguson calls from the big blind.

With about 23,000 in the pot, the flop comes Heart 8Spade 8Spade 6. Ferguson checks, Wiegmann bets 5,400, and Ferguson thinks for a while before she calls.

The turn card is the Club 5, and both players check.

The river card is the Spade 9, Ferguson bets 11,600, and Wiegmann thinks for a while before he folds. Ferguson takes the pot.

Natalie Ferguson  –  71,000  (237 bb)
Cody Wiegmann  –  108,000  (360 bb)

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