Natalie Rozova Doubles Up Through Armon Van Wijk

Apr 21, 2024

Early in the hour, Natalie Rozova folded to Armon Van Wijk’s three-bet. This time, she recovers the chips and more with a double up. From the button, Van Wijk opens, Rozova flats, flop comes Heart 3Heart 9Club Q. Van Wijk c-bets, Rozova check-calls. Both players check the turn Diamond 7. Dealer felts the river Club J, Rozova checks, Van Wijk jams, Rozova calls and gets max pay for her Heart JHeart 7 two pair over Diamond AClub K that missed.

Natalie Rozova – 315,000 (31 bb)
Armon Van Wijk – 300,000 (30 bb)

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