Mykola Kostyrko Takes Big Pot From Shay Rozenbaum

Feb 20, 2020

Mykola Kostyrko opens to 2,000 under the gun and Abdelhakim Zoufri calls on the button before Shay Rozenbaum squeezes to 11,300 in the big blind. Both players call.

On the Spade 8Diamond 3Club Q flop, Rozenbaum continues for 19,000 and Kostyrko tank-shoves for 68,000 total. Zoufri quickly gets out of the way and Rozenbaum goes deep into the tank.

After several minutes, he tells Kostyrko “you only have aces or queens.” Kostyrko doesn’t reply and Rozenbaum thinks some more before passing.

Mykola Kostyrko – 181,000
Shay Rozenbaum – 160,000
Abdelhakim Zoufri – 120,000

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