Mukul Pahuja Reaches 3.2M vs. Brian Park

Mar 13, 2014

Mukul Pahuja raises from the cutoff to 45,000, Brian Park calls from the button, and Garrett Greer calls from the big blind.

The flop comes [Kh5s3h], Greer checks, and Pahuja bets 75,000. Park raises to 154,000, Greer folds, and Pahuja calls.

The turn is the [4s], and both players check. The river is the [Qc], Pahuja bets 435,000, and Park calls.

Pahuja shows [Ah2s] to win the pot with a five-high straight, and Park mucks.

Mukul Pahuja  –  3,228,000  (161 bb)
Brian Park  –  545,000  (27 bb)

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