Mr. Shyamsundar Doubles Thru Gabriel Carter

Mar 19, 2023

Mr. Shyamsundar raises over on table 37 and Gabriel Carter defends out of the blinds to then check-call a bet worth 18,000 on the Diamond KClub 9Spade 5 flop. Carter leads the Diamond 6 turn for 35,000 for Mr. Shyamsundar to call and the Brit then jams the Diamond 3 river.

With 183,000 behind, Mr. Shyamsundar goes into the tank and eventually calls. Carter taps the table in defeat and shows Spade JClub 10 for a bluff, while Mr. Shyamsundar doubles with the Diamond JDiamond 9 for a flush which raises some eyebrows at the table.

“It is still a tough spot,” Carter mentions in table chat. 

Mr. Shyamsundar – 500,000 (41 bb)
Gabriel Carter – 390,000 (32 bb)

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