Motoyoshi Okamura vs. Michael Gathy

Sep 24, 2023

Motoyoshi Okamura
Photo:  Motoyoshi Okamura

The action has really tightened up with the field just three spots from the money.

Motoyoshi Okamura raises from the hijack to 12,000, the player in the cutoff calls, and Michael Gathy reraises from the small blind to 48,000. Okamura calls and the cutoff folds.

The flop comes Heart 10Spade 6Heart 3, Gathy bets 55,000, and Okamura calls.

The turn card is the Club 4, and both players check.

The river card is the Heart 4, and they check again. Gathy shows Diamond ADiamond J for ace high, but Okamura turns over Heart 9Diamond 9 to win the pot.

Motoyoshi Okamura  –  660,000  (110 bb)
Michael Gathy  –  140,000  (23 bb)

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