Mosele Gets Involved

Feb 8, 2012

Massimo Mosele
(Photo: Massimo Mosele)

Spare a thought for poor old Massimo Mosele. He is stuck at the bottom end of the table with the aggressive trio of Simon Ravnsbaek, Marcel Bjerkmann and Andrea Dato. This means that Mosele just isn’t getting a look in and is having to fold each and every hand, but he has just had the opportunity to get involved and we are not sure he took full advantage?

Ravnsbaek raises to 17,000 in early position and Mosele defends his big blind. The flop is [8s] [8c] [6d] and both players check. The turn is the [Th] and Mosele bets 17,000 and Ravnsbaek makes the call. On the river we see the [Ts] and this time Mosele checks and Ravnsbaek make a bet of 78,000 which is instantly called.

Mosele turns over [Ac] [8h] for the full house and Ravnsbaek has [Qc] [6c].

Mosele ~ 245,000
Ravnsbaek ~ 700,000

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