More For Fabian Gumz

Apr 14, 2024

SXXII WPT Prime Slovakia
Photo: Fabian Gumz

A sizable pot of about 250,000 is in the middle of the table beside a completed board of Diamond ADiamond KSpade 8Diamond 5Club 9 as Tamas Bozsoeny checks his small blind to Fabian Gumz in late position.

Gumz bets 87,000 and after using a time bank, Bozsoeny calls.

Gumz shows Heart AHeart 5 for two pair which is good as Bozsoeny tosses his cards to the muck.

Fabian Gumz – 623,000 (51 bb)
Tamas Bozsoeny – 395,000 (32 bb)

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