More for Fabian Gumz

Apr 11, 2024

Ersin Sancak raises to 7,000 in the cutoff and gets called by Fabian Gumz in the big blind.

The flop comes Spade 7Club 7Spade 5 and Gumz check-calls a bet of 8,500.

On the Heart Q turn, Sancak fires another 13,500 after a Gumz check. Again, the German calls.

The river brings the Spade 8 and Gumz checks a final time. Sancak bets 28,500, but gets met with an all-in jam for his remaining 41,000.

Sancak thinks for a bit and then folds, sending a pot to Gumz that sends him well over 200,000 chips.

Fabian Gumz – 230,000 (76 bb)
Ersin Sancak – 41,000 (13 bb)

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