More Eliminations Pour In

Nov 24, 2019

Lai Heng Foo and Simon Quintal were eliminated just prior to the bustout of Pete Chen and the double knockout, and the next two players to fall are Suchart Angunsri and Daniel Sinaguglia.

As one of the shortest stacks remaining, Sinaguglia jams blind-on-blind against Clement van Driessche and gets quickly called.

Daniel Sinaguglia: Heart 7Heart 2
Clement van Driessche: Heart 10Club 10

On a board of Club QSpade 10Club 8Spade 2Spade K, Sinaguglia is drawing dead on the turn.

Clement van Driessche – 800,000
Daniel Sinaguglia – Eliminated in 43rd place ($2,975)

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