Money Bubble Bursts! Mallory Zelenka Eliminated by Fred Delval

Feb 3, 2024

In Hand #7 of hand-for-hand play on the Money Bubble, Fred Delval raises from the hijack to 50,000, Mallory Zelenka moves all in from the button for 117,000, and Delval calls with Spade 10Diamond 10.

Zelenka turns over Spade 7Diamond 7, and he needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Heart JHeart 4Heart 3Diamond 6Heart Q, and Delval wins the pot with his pocket tens to eliminate Zelenka in 17th place, bursting the Money Bubble and bringing Turbo Flight 1D to an end.

Fred Delval  –  423,000  (17 bb)
Mallory Zelenka  –  Eliminated on the Money Bubble

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