Ming Xsun Zhou Eliminated in 24th Place (TWD158,000/$5,071)

Nov 20, 2022

Ming Xsun Zhou

Sumire Hori raises to 50,000 and Yu Fan Chang calls on the button. Ming Xsun Zhou then pushes all-in from the big blind and Hori does so as well, forcing out Chang instantly.

Sumire Hori: Spade AHeart Q
Ming Xsun Zhou: Club AHeart 9

The board runs out Diamond JDiamond 6Club 4Heart ASpade K and Zhou already heads to the rail. However, his 480,000 is not covered and he has 20,000 left.

Ken Okada raises to 50,000 from under the gun next and Zhou calls all-in.

Ming Xsun Zhou: Heart KClub 6
Ken Okada: Spade 10Diamond 10

Board: Club QDiamond 7Spade 3Heart 6Spade 9

Zhou only finds an inferior pair and finishes in 24th place.

Sumire Hori – 1,100,000
Ken Okada – 550,000
Ming Xsun Zhou – Eliminated in 24th Place (TWD 158,000 ($5,071)

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